Unblock is on a mission to change the way people interact with Web3 and digital assets.

Today, Web3 and crypto caters mostly to enthusiasts and large institutions.  For the average customer or business it is too complex, costly or daunting to get involved.

We want to truly democratise access to crypto, creating a payment gateway that enables people to on and off ramp safely, swiftly and simply.

Financial expertise

We know fintech

Our founders come with a wealth of Fintech experience, bringing together senior leaders from some of the UK’s biggest fintechs including Starling Bank, Zopa, FIBR, Funding Options and Alluo.


We know crypto

We also know blockchain, having been involved in the space for a collective 15+ years, investing and waiting for the right time to build the right product.

Regulatory expertise

We understand regulation

Unblock is an authorised VASP (Virtual Asset Service Provider) and can provide both crypto exchange and custody services. We are also registered with the US Fincen as an MSB provider.We embrace the regulatory oversight to make interacting with digital assets safer and more secure.

Our deep experience in regulated businesses and strong partnerships with compliance technology providers ensure we remain compliant and secure in all jurisdictions we operate in. We continue to monitor the changing regulatory environment and create new partnerships to facilitate rapid global expansion.

Who are we

The team

Our team has proven ability to build businesses from scratch and the right mix of Fintech/Banking and Blockchain experience, ideal to bridge the old and new worlds.

Photo of Remi Tuyaerts
Rémi Tuyaerts  
Photo of Didier Baclin
Didier Baclin  
Photo of Bivu Das
Bivu Das  
Photo of Alastair Preacher
Alastair Preacher  
Photo of Julia Shaer
Julia Shaer  
Photo of Pryzemslaw Winszczyk
Przemyslaw Winszczyk